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Guide to Talking Finances with Adult Children

Guide to Talking Finances with Adult Children

May 24, 2023

As parents, we strive to support our children in every way possible, even when they enter adulthood. A recent survey reported that 68% of parents have made financial sacrifices to support their adult children1. While it's a commendable act of love and care, it's important to recognize that providing ongoing financial assistance can have significant consequences on our own financial well-being. Engaging in open and honest financial conversations with our adult children becomes crucial to maintain healthy relationships, safeguard our retirement strategies, and foster overall financial wellness.

Acknowledge the Impact:
Making financial sacrifices for our adult children is often a difficult decision that can have far-reaching effects. While it's natural to want to help them navigate through life's challenges, it's vital to recognize the potential consequences. These sacrifices can strain relationships, especially if expectations and boundaries are not set from the beginning. Open communication is key to ensuring both parties understand the impact of financial support on long-term financial goals.

Establish Boundaries:
Setting clear boundaries is essential when providing financial assistance to adult children. Start by openly discussing your own financial situation and limitations. By explaining your retirement strategies and financial goals, you can help your children understand the importance of responsible money management and independence. Together, you can determine a reasonable level of support that won't jeopardize your financial future.

Encourage Financial Independence:
Supporting adult children financially shouldn't hinder their growth and development. Encourage them to take ownership of their financial lives by helping them develop budgeting skills, savings habits, and investment knowledge. By promoting financial independence, you empower them to make sound financial decisions and foster their own long-term financial well-being. Remember, teaching them to fish rather than giving them a fish will serve them better in the long run.

Offer Alternative Forms of Support:
Financial assistance doesn't always have to come in the form of direct monetary contributions. Consider alternative ways to support your adult children, such as providing guidance on finding affordable housing, helping them create a career development plan, or assisting with networking opportunities. These forms of support can be invaluable in helping them establish their independence while minimizing the impact on your own financial situation.

Seek Professional Advice:
Engaging the expertise of a financial planner or advisor can greatly benefit both you and your adult children. A professional can help you create a comprehensive financial plan that takes into account your retirement strategies and your children's financial needs. They can guide you in making informed decisions, provide strategies to protect your own financial well-being, and offer recommendations on how to navigate potential pitfalls associated with ongoing financial support.

Having financial conversations with our adult children is a crucial step towards maintaining healthy relationships, safeguarding our retirement strategies, and promoting overall financial wellness. Acknowledge the potential impact of financial sacrifices, set clear boundaries, and encourage financial independence. Explore alternative ways to support your children while minimizing the strain on your own finances. Seeking professional advice can provide valuable insights and strategies to promote a balanced and confident financial future for both you and your adult children. At Carrier Wealth Management we are here to help with navigating these conversations and creating a comprehensive financial plan tailored to your unique circumstances. Contact us today to schedule a free introductory call and take proactive steps towards achieving financial harmony within your family. Remember, open communication and mutual understanding are the foundation of a successful financial relationship with your loved ones.

The opinions voiced in this article are for general information only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations for any individual. To determine which strategies or investments may be suitable for you, consult the appropriate qualified professional prior to making a decision.

1., April 10, 2023